Malaysia - Prospecting
A Bell Geospace case study from Malaysian Multi-client data in the Sarawak region
Seismic coverage in the Sarawak region is extensive but the deeper section, where the carbonate sequences are complex, largely remains unresolved. Sub-carbonate basins exist but their shape and form remain unknown. Air-FTG® data across the Sarawak Basin offers fresh insight to these previously hidden sections.
Sub-Carbonate depth structure as mapped with Air-FTG® is shown in Figure 1. The image shows variable depth delineating sub-carbonate basins reaching 4km depth (cold colours). The FTG datasets also provide a range of other benefits including identification of key structural lineaments interpreted as faults predicting both transfer and normal faulting activity.
Figure 2 depicts carbonate build-up structures in Luconia showing variable composition yield negative responses with Air-FTG®.
Figure 3 shows positive Air-FTG® anomalies (warm colours) tracking anticlinal structures and negative anomalies (cold colours) locating Cycle I and II sediment filled troughs.
Air-FTG® data shown in Figure 4 from the Half-Grabens area facilitates direct mapping of prospective structures away from that depicted on 2D seismic. The negative anomaly pattern coincides perfectly with the basinal troughs where the source rocks reside.
Intuitive use of Air-FTG® data with seismic data facilitates direct 3D mapping of not only the carbonate build-up structures but also clearly locates their underlying source rock material and the migratory pathways that charge the reservoirs. Sub-Carbonate depth structure is revealed with Air-FTG® technology. In addition, Air-FTG® is ideally suited to mapping the lateral extent of targeted anticlinal closures in Tinjar and tilted fault blocks in the Half-Grabens area.
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