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  • HSE

    Bell Geo operate three Basler Turbo 67 aircraft, which routinely fly at 80 to 100m at approximately 100knots. The aircraft are deployed globally, usually from remote locations, and very often areas of challenging terrain.

    It is vital to the safe operation of the aircraft and successful conclusion of projects that every precaution is taken and the HSEMS is observed to the letter. Bell is pleased to report that in over 25 years of geophysical projects and in excess of 500 individual surveys covering 2,000,000 survey kilometres, there have been no incidents.

    A project specific HSE project plan is produced for every survey, including hazard identification and risk assessments for every aspect of the operation. Each and every hazard is mitigated to reduce the level of risk to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).

    A full and thorough emergency response plan is created for every project which is tested prior to the first flight.

    As a secondary safety feature, the aircrew produce a separate IAGSA risk assessment which highlights and safeguards against identified issues that may affect the airborne operation. Daily toolbox meetings, weekly safety meetings and incident reporting are all used to distribute HSE topics and notices.

    Bell Geospace operates safely and responsibly at all times

    Key performance indicators

    Forced Landing

    Bell Geo operations are audited by Bell management throughout the project cycle and independent audit of aircraft and base of operations by clients is encouraged.

    Our crews are covered with an insurance programme well in excess of legal requirements with full medevac coverage and health-care. All crew have extensive first-aid training, HUET certification and an annual medical.


    Bell Geo have a documented commitment to the sustainability of the environment. Our core technologies are completely passive measuring instruments that have no harmful effects on the environment. Our operation leaves no footprint on the survey area as all data is acquired from the air.

    Our commitment to the environment encompasses all elements of our operations. All aircraft are equipped with brand new Pratt and Whitney Turbine engines and exhausts are upward facing to reduce the impact of the passing aircraft on the ecology below. Crews observe the international standards for waste disposal at all times and any spills or contamination must be reported immediately.

    Community liaison

    Bell understand the importance of community liaison and work with our clients to make sure all of the relevant parties are aware of the upcoming project. This often involves newspaper articles, radio broadcasts and distribution of flyers.

    Great care is taken in planning the timing of projects, recent examples include rescheduling due to migrating pigeons (South of France), migrating puffins (Northern Ireland) and even mating reindeer (Sweden).

    Community liaison is well received when pictures of the aircraft are released. The aircraft may look like a Dakota DC3 but it’s actually a Basler Turbo 67 and has a huge following from aircraft spotters.