The largest FTG data holding in the world!

With our help and expertise, your exploration team can carve out a relevant section from any part our 367,649 square kilometers of data to serve your own needs.  Work with the FTG Gravity and Magnetic data yourself or with one of our experts and find New Prospectivity and New Leads. 

The 2km line spacing with partial infill to 1km is now complete.  Infill is available on request.   

A deep processing upgrade (Full Tensor Migration)  is available across the data set. 

The available data can be grouped into four main areas.  We can carve out bespoke packages for your exploration needs from these blocks. 


MBR-outline-2025 (2)

The MCFTG-WCPM Data Reveals

  • Rift Basins
  • Fault Blocks 
  • Carbonate potential from Langkasuka Basin Shelf edge to North Sumatra Basin

MCFTG-ECPM explore the Malay and Penyu, and learn more about 

  • Mid Miocene sensitivity
  • Basin edge clarity
  • Deep Basement beneath Malay
  • Pre-Tertiary Basin beneath Penyu

MCFTG-SWK FTG demystifies 

  • Cycle IV sensitivity
  • Cycle II / III sensitivity Luconia
  • Fault Framework Sarawak
  • Balingian fault and basin framework
  • Tatau Half Grabens clarity

The MCFTG-SABAH Data Reveals

  • Structural closures
  • Basins
  • Fault Frameworks
  • Inversion structuring
  • Carbonate

For shape files, case studies or more information, please contact our team. 

Visit the webpage for Malaysia Bid Rounds 2025

Visit the webpage for Malaysia Bid Rounds 2023

Visit our webpage for the Malaysia Bid Rounds 2022

Visit our webpage for the Malaysia Bid Rounds 2021